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Friday, 13 May 2011

I had to take a double look at this picture....

This guy looks like my brother nuff....BEAN HEAD, LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE GOT A TWIN!

Currently in LOVE with Bruno Mars.....

It took me a while.......

Boredom can make you do a lot of vain things...

Walked like one, talked like one.....

I got on the train with three fellas today, it was as almost as if they were being filmed in one of Guy Ricthie's film.
I could have sworn they were Gangsters....the way they walked, talked and hand gestures......

Midmorning Snacks

I tried these for the first time today....opened with excitement and was soon let down with disappointment.

They had no taste at all, I starting to wonder if I was coming down with nothing as I couldn't taste a thing.
I got Sindranagam to try it.....I wasn't the only one.
What a waste of a £1!

DutchPiano on Leavers.....

We had fun *GoodTimes

The "I need food" look
