Ok guys, its finally here, the 'Third Party Mixtape'. As most of you know I set myself a target to produce and vocal this mixtape within 14 days.It was hard work but at the same time very enjoyable knowing this is what I love to do.I was able to call in a couple of favors from some very talented people who blessed me with their own individual artistry and I have to send out a special thank you to those who worked with me on this 14 day project.This is an exclusive download link for people who have supported me from the start and seen me grow:http://www.zshare.net/download/626261128fba5536/This is my thank you!I hope you like what I have created and feedback will be appreciated.
Yours Humbly
Kay Young
Thank you's!
Elena Mirchovska
Jade Dragon
Joel Culpepper
Kersha Bailey
Ruinz Ason
Concise One
Ruinz Ason