At the age of 13 all I remember doing is running up and down play fighting, sex wasn't even on my mind.
But who is to blame in this situation? the parents, schools?
I personally think teachings about sex education should start in the home, It shouldn't be just left down to the schools even though I do think it is necessary. But then again some parents are not so quick on having the 'Birds and Bee's' talk with their children so by then, it could be too late.
I know it's hard to keep a tab on everything kids do, but Boy!!!! you telling me the parents didn't suspect something?
Should sex education be taught to kids from the age of 7??? sounds crazy right, it's way too young...but at the rate that things are going...it's sad to say but it may be necessary as we may start to see parents of younger ages.
What is this world coming to?